This is the inaugural post of the QAtab blog and I wanted to take the opportunity to welcome you. The blog for a SaaS app provides a way to teach, inform, and communicate and I’ll be using this space to do all three.
In the coming weeks, you will find articles to teach you how to improve your QA process, build a better website, and utilize new tools (or use your existing tools more effectively) to streamline your development and testing initiatives.
This will also be a place where you can learn about updates to QAtab’s services. When we add a new feature or a new integration, we’ll highlight it with a blog post.
Starting next week, we’ll publish a new post by 7AM Pacific Time each Wednesday (since a little accountability is rarely a bad thing) so you can get over the mid-week doldrums with a little bit of knowledge.
Oh, and just so you don’t go away empty-handed today, here’s a quick tip that’s a big win for your mobile visitors.
Take a look at this image showing screenshots of 2 different forms with the focus on an email field.
Notice anything different?
The iPad on the left is using the standard keyboard with Shift active and no “@” key while the iPad on the right has an “@” key and no Shift active.
This is because the form on the right is using an input of type “email” while the one on the left is just using an input of type “text”. HTML5 gives us a bunch of new input types for forms and “email” is the most useful.
Any time you create a form with an email field, you should always use an input of type “email” so that your mobile users get a better user experience and don’t need to tap several times to disable the shift and bring up the “@” key. It won’t even break older browsers because they’ll simply treat it as a “text” field.