Better Sass through Susy susy-get Function

Today we are continuing our look at Susy internals to get a better understanding of how Sass can be used in more advanced ways by examining the susy-get function. susy-get Function [gist id=”b36ea4d22606bea80c07″ file=”susy-get.scss”] Comments – Lines 1-5 Every Susy function or mixin that I’ve seen starts with a comment block that explains the purpose […]

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Dash Docset for Susy

I’m a big fan of the Dash documentation browser and the Susy CSS grid framework, but it has bugged me that I couldn’t read the Susy docs in Dash. So I decided to fix it. I’ll update this post when my pull request is accepted and the Docset is available at the standard Dash location. If […]

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